Source code for idp_engine.Simplify

# Copyright 2019 Ingmar Dasseville, Pierre Carbonnelle
# This file is part of Interactive_Consultant.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.


Methods to simplify a logic expression.

This module monkey-patches the Expression class and sub-classes.

from __future__ import annotations

from copy import deepcopy
import sys
from typing import List

from .Expression import (
    Constructor, Expression, AIfExpr, IF, AQuantification, Quantee, Type,
    Operator, AEquivalence, AImplication, ADisjunction,
    AConjunction, AComparison, EQUALS, ASumMinus, AMultDiv, APower,
    AUnary, AAggregate, SymbolExpr, AppliedSymbol, UnappliedSymbol, Variable,
    Number, Date, Brackets, TRUE, FALSE, NOT, AND, OR)
from .Parse import Symbol, Enumeration, TupleIDP, TypeDeclaration
from .Assignments import Status as S, Assignment

# class Expression  ###########################################################

def _change(self, sub_exprs=None, ops=None, simpler=None,
    " change attributes of an expression, and resets derived attributes "

    if simpler is not None:
        simpler.original = self.original
        simpler.is_type_constraint_for = self.is_type_constraint_for
        if type(self) == AppliedSymbol:
            simpler.in_head = self.in_head
        simpler.block = self.block if hasattr(self, "block") else None
        return simpler

    if sub_exprs is not None:
        self.sub_exprs = sub_exprs
    if ops is not None:
        self.operator = ops
    if co_constraint is not None:
        self.co_constraint = co_constraint

    # reset derived attributes
    self.str = sys.intern(str(self))

    return self
Expression._change = _change

def update_exprs(self, new_exprs):
    """ change sub_exprs and simplify, while keeping relevant info. """
    #  default implementation, without simplification
    return self._change(sub_exprs=list(new_exprs))
Expression.update_exprs = update_exprs

def simplify1(self):
    return self.update_exprs(self.sub_exprs)
Expression.simplify1 = simplify1

# Class AIfExpr  ###############################################################

def update_exprs(self, new_exprs):
    sub_exprs = list(new_exprs)
    if_, then_, else_ = sub_exprs[0], sub_exprs[1], sub_exprs[2]
    if if_.same_as(TRUE):
        return self._change(simpler=then_, sub_exprs=sub_exprs)
    elif if_.same_as(FALSE):
        return self._change(simpler=else_, sub_exprs=sub_exprs)
        if then_.same_as(else_):
            return self._change(simpler=then_, sub_exprs=sub_exprs)
        elif then_.same_as(TRUE):
            if else_.same_as(FALSE):
                return self._change(simpler=if_, sub_exprs=sub_exprs)
                return self._change(simpler=OR([if_, else_]), sub_exprs=sub_exprs)
        elif else_.same_as(TRUE):
            if then_.same_as(FALSE):
                return self._change(simpler=NOT(if_), sub_exprs=sub_exprs)
                return self._change(simpler=OR([NOT(if_), then_]), sub_exprs=sub_exprs)
    return self._change(sub_exprs=sub_exprs)
AIfExpr.update_exprs = update_exprs

# Class Quantee  #######################################################

# Class AQuantification  ######################################################

def update_exprs(self, new_exprs):
    if self.q == '∀':
        return AConjunction.update_exprs(self, new_exprs, replace=False)
        return ADisjunction.update_exprs(self, new_exprs, replace=False)
AQuantification.update_exprs = update_exprs

# Class AImplication  #######################################################

def update_exprs(self, new_exprs):
    if type(new_exprs) == list:
        new_exprs = iter(new_exprs)
    exprs0 = next(new_exprs)
    simpler = None
    if exprs0.same_as(FALSE):  # (false => p) is true
        return TRUE
    elif exprs0.same_as(TRUE):  # (true => p) is p
        exprs1 = next(new_exprs)
        simpler = exprs1
        exprs1 = next(new_exprs)
        if exprs1.same_as(TRUE):  # (p => true) is true
            return TRUE
        elif exprs1.same_as(FALSE):  # (p => false) is ~p
            simpler = NOT(exprs0)
        elif exprs1.same_as(exprs0):  # (p => p) is true
            return TRUE
    return self._change(simpler=simpler,
                        sub_exprs=[exprs0, exprs1])
AImplication.update_exprs = update_exprs

# Class AEquivalence  #######################################################

def update_exprs(self, new_exprs):
    exprs = list(new_exprs)
    if len(exprs) == 1:
        return self._change(simpler=exprs[1], sub_exprs=exprs)
    for e in exprs:
        if e.same_as(TRUE):  # they must all be true
            return self._change(simpler=AND(exprs),
        if e.same_as(FALSE):  # they must all be false
            return self._change(simpler=AND([NOT(e) for e in exprs]),
    return self._change(sub_exprs=exprs)
AEquivalence.update_exprs = update_exprs

# Class ADisjunction  #######################################################

def update_exprs(self, new_exprs, replace=True):
    exprs, other = [], []
    value, simpler = None, None
    for expr in new_exprs:
        if expr.same_as(TRUE):
            return TRUE
        if not expr.same_as(FALSE):

    if len(other) == 0:  # all disjuncts are False
        return FALSE
    if replace and len(other) == 1:
        simpler = other[0]
    return self._change(simpler=simpler, sub_exprs=exprs)
ADisjunction.update_exprs = update_exprs

# Class AConjunction  #######################################################

# same as ADisjunction, with TRUE and FALSE swapped
def update_exprs(self, new_exprs, replace=True):
    exprs, other = [], []
    simpler = None
    for i, expr in enumerate(new_exprs):
        if expr.same_as(FALSE):
            return FALSE
        if not expr.same_as(TRUE):

    if len(other) == 0:  # all conjuncts are True
        return TRUE
    if replace and len(other) == 1:
        simpler = other[0]
    return self._change(simpler=simpler, sub_exprs=exprs)
AConjunction.update_exprs = update_exprs

# Class AComparison  #######################################################

def update_exprs(self, new_exprs):
    operands = list(new_exprs)

    if len(operands) == 2 and self.operator == ["="]:
        # a = a
        if operands[0].same_as(operands[1]):
            return TRUE

        # (if c then a else b) = d  ->  (if c then a=d else b=d)
        if type(operands[0]) == AIfExpr:
            then = EQUALS([operands[0].sub_exprs[1], operands[1]]).simplify1()
            else_ = EQUALS([operands[0].sub_exprs[2], operands[1]]).simplify1()
            new = IF(operands[0].sub_exprs[0], then, else_).simplify1()
            return self._change(simpler=new, sub_exprs=operands)

    acc = operands[0]
    assert len(self.operator) == len(operands[1:]), "Internal error"
    for op, expr in zip(self.operator, operands[1:]):
        if acc.is_value() and expr.is_value():
            if op in ["<", ">"] and acc.same_as(expr):
                return FALSE
            if op == "=" and not acc.same_as(expr):
                return FALSE
            if op == "≠":  # issue #246
                if acc.same_as(expr):
                    return FALSE
            elif not (Operator.MAP[op]) (acc.py_value, expr.py_value):
                return FALSE
        acc = expr
    if all(e.is_value() for e in operands):
        return TRUE
    return self._change(sub_exprs=operands)
AComparison.update_exprs = update_exprs

def as_set_condition(self):
    return ((None, None, None) if not self.is_assignment() else
            (self.sub_exprs[0], True,
AComparison.as_set_condition = as_set_condition


def update_arith(self, family, operands):
    operands = list(operands)
    if all(e.is_value() for e in operands):
        self.check(all(hasattr(e, 'py_value') for e in operands),
                f"Incorrect numeric type in {self}")
        out = operands[0].py_value

        assert len(self.operator) == len(operands[1:]), "Internal error"
        for op, e in zip(self.operator, operands[1:]):
            function = Operator.MAP[op]

            if op == '/' and self.type == INT:  # integer division
                out //= e.py_value
                out = function(out, e.py_value)
        value = (Number(number=str(out)) if operands[0].type != DATE else
        return value
    return self._change(sub_exprs=operands)

# Class ASumMinus  #######################################################

def update_exprs(self, new_exprs):
    return update_arith(self, '+', new_exprs)
ASumMinus.update_exprs = update_exprs

# Class AMultDiv  #######################################################

def update_exprs(self, new_exprs):
    operands = list(new_exprs)
    if any(op == '%' for op in self.operator):  # special case !
        if len(operands) == 2 and all(e.is_value() for e in operands):
            out = operands[0].py_value % operands[1].py_value
            return Number(number=str(out))
            return self._change(sub_exprs=operands)
    return update_arith(self, '⨯', operands)
AMultDiv.update_exprs = update_exprs

# Class APower  #######################################################

def update_exprs(self, new_exprs):
    operands = list(new_exprs)
    if len(operands) == 2 \
       and all(e.is_value() for e in operands):
        out = operands[0].py_value ** operands[1].py_value
        return Number(number=str(out))
        return self._change(sub_exprs=operands)
APower.update_exprs = update_exprs

# Class AUnary  #######################################################

def update_exprs(self, new_exprs):
    operand = list(new_exprs)[0]
    if self.operator == '¬':
        if operand.same_as(TRUE):
            return FALSE
        if operand.same_as(FALSE):
            return TRUE
    else:  # '-'
        if operand.is_value() and type(operand) == Number:
            return Number(number=f"{-operand.py_value}")
    return self._change(sub_exprs=[operand])
AUnary.update_exprs = update_exprs

def as_set_condition(self):
    (x, y, z) = self.sub_exprs[0].as_set_condition()
    return ((None, None, None) if x is None else
            (x, not y, z))
AUnary.as_set_condition = as_set_condition

# Class AAggregate  #######################################################

def update_exprs(self, new_exprs):
    operands = list(new_exprs)
    if self.annotated and not self.quantees:
        if all(e.is_value() for e in operands):
            out = sum(e.py_value for e in operands)
            return Number(number=str(out))
    return self._change(sub_exprs=operands)
AAggregate.update_exprs = update_exprs

# Class AppliedSymbol  #######################################################

def update_exprs(self, new_exprs):
    new_exprs = list(new_exprs)
    if not self.decl and type(self.symbol) == Symbol:
        self.decl = self.symbol.decl
    self.type = (BOOL if self.is_enumerated or self.in_enumeration else
            self.decl.type if self.decl else None)
    if self.decl and type(self.decl) == Constructor:
        if all(e.is_value() for e in new_exprs):
            return self._change(sub_exprs=new_exprs)

    # simplify abs()
    if (self.decl and == ABS and len(new_exprs) == 1
        and new_exprs[0].is_value()):
        return Number(number=str(abs(new_exprs[0].py_value)))

    # simplify x(pos(0,0)) to 0,  is_pos(pos(0,0)) to True
    if (len(new_exprs) == 1
        and hasattr(new_exprs[0], 'decl')
        and type(new_exprs[0].decl) == Constructor
        and new_exprs[0].decl.tester
        and self.decl):
        if in new_exprs[0].decl.parent.accessors:
            i = new_exprs[0].decl.parent.accessors[]
            self.check(i < len(new_exprs[0].sub_exprs),
                       f"Incorrect expression: {self}")
            return self._change(simpler=new_exprs[0].sub_exprs[i], sub_exprs=new_exprs)
        if == new_exprs[0]
            return TRUE

    return self._change(sub_exprs=new_exprs)
AppliedSymbol.update_exprs = update_exprs

def as_set_condition(self):
    # determine core after substitutions
    core = AppliedSymbol.make(self.symbol, deepcopy(self.sub_exprs))

    return ((None, None, None) if not self.in_enumeration else
            (core, 'not' not in self.is_enumeration, self.in_enumeration))
AppliedSymbol.as_set_condition = as_set_condition

# Class SymbolExpr  #######################################################

def update_exprs(self, new_exprs):
    symbol = list(new_exprs)[0]
    value = (symbol if self.eval == '' else
             symbol.decl.symbol if type(symbol) == UnappliedSymbol and symbol.decl else
    if value is not None:
        self.check(type(value) != Variable,
                f"Variable `{value}` cannot be applied to argument(s).")
        return value
    return self._change(sub_exprs=[symbol])
SymbolExpr.update_exprs = update_exprs

# Class Brackets  #######################################################

def update_exprs(self, new_exprs):
    return list(new_exprs)[0]
Brackets.update_exprs = update_exprs

# set conditions  #######################################################

[docs]def join_set_conditions(assignments: List[Assignment]) -> List[Assignment]: """In a list of assignments, merge assignments that are set-conditions on the same term. An equality and a membership predicate (`in` operator) are both set-conditions. Args: assignments (List[Assignment]): the list of assignments to make more compact Returns: List[Assignment]: the compacted list of assignments """ # for i, c in enumerate(assignments): (x, belongs, y) = c.as_set_condition() if x: for j in range(i): (x1, belongs1, y1) = assignments[j].as_set_condition() if x1 and x.same_as(x1): if belongs and belongs1: new_tuples = (y.tuples & y1.tuples) # intersect elif belongs and not belongs1: new_tuples = (y.tuples ^ y1.tuples) # difference elif not belongs and belongs1: belongs = belongs1 new_tuples = (y1.tuples ^ y.tuples) else: new_tuples = y.tuples | y1.tuples # union # sort again new_tuples = list(new_tuples.values()) out = AppliedSymbol.make( symbol=x.symbol, args=x.sub_exprs, is_enumeration='in', in_enumeration=Enumeration(tuples=new_tuples) ) core = deepcopy(AppliedSymbol.make(out.symbol, out.sub_exprs)) out.as_disjunction = out.in_enumeration.contains([core], False) out = Assignment(out, TRUE if belongs else FALSE, S.UNKNOWN) assignments[j] = out # keep the first one assignments[i] = Assignment(TRUE, TRUE, S.UNKNOWN) return [c for c in assignments if c.sentence != TRUE]
Done = True