Source code for idp_solver.Expression

# Copyright 2019 Ingmar Dasseville, Pierre Carbonnelle
# This file is part of Interactive_Consultant.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.


(They are monkey-patched by other modules)

__all__ = ["Expression", "Constructor", "IfExpr", "Quantee", "AQuantification",
           "BinaryOperator", "AImplication", "AEquivalence", "ARImplication",
           "ADisjunction", "AConjunction", "AComparison", "ASumMinus",
           "AMultDiv", "APower", "AUnary", "AAggregate", "AppliedSymbol",
           "Arguments", "UnappliedSymbol", "Variable",
           "Number", "Brackets", "TRUE", "FALSE", "ZERO", "ONE"]

import copy
from collections import ChainMap
from fractions import Fraction
import sys
from textx import get_location
from typing import Optional, List, Tuple, Dict, Set, Any

from .utils import unquote, OrderedSet, BOOL, INT, REAL, SYMBOL, IDPZ3Error

class ASTNode(object):
    """superclass of all AST nodes

    def check(self, condition, msg):
        """raises an exception if `condition` is not True

            condition (Bool): condition to be satisfied
            msg (str): error message

            IDPZ3Error: when `condition` is not met
        if not condition:
            location = get_location(self)
            line = location['line']
            col = location['col']
            raise IDPZ3Error(f"Error on line {line}, col {col}: {msg}")

    def dedup_nodes(self, kwargs, arg_name):
        """pops `arg_name` from kwargs as a list of named items
        and returns a mapping from name to items

            kwargs (Dict[str, ASTNode])
            arg_name (str): name of the kwargs argument, e.g. "interpretations"

            Dict[str, ASTNode]: mapping from `name` to AST nodes

            AssertionError: in case of duplicate name
        ast_nodes = kwargs.pop(arg_name)
        out = {}
        for i in ast_nodes:
            # can't get location here
            assert not in out, f"Duplicate '{}' in {arg_name}"
            out[] = i
        return out

[docs]class Expression(ASTNode): """The abstract class of AST nodes representing (sub-)expressions. Attributes: code (string): Textual representation of the expression. Often used as a key. It is generated from the sub-tree. Some tree transformations change it (e.g., instantiate), others don't. sub_exprs (List[Expression]): The children of the AST node. The list may be reduced by simplification. type (string): The name of the type of the expression, e.g., ``bool``. co_constraint (Expression, optional): A constraint attached to the node. For example, the co_constraint of ``square(length(top()))`` is ``square(length(top())) = length(top())*length(top()).``, assuming ``square`` is appropriately defined. The co_constraint of a defined symbol applied to arguments is the instantiation of the definition for those arguments. This is useful for definitions over infinite domains, as well as to compute relevant questions. simpler (Expression, optional): A simpler, equivalent expression. Equivalence is computed in the context of the theory and structure. Simplifying an expression is useful for efficiency and to compute relevant questions. value (Optional[Expression]): A rigid term equivalent to the expression, obtained by transformation. Equivalence is computed in the context of the theory and structure. annotations (Dict): The set of annotations given by the expert in the IDP source code. ``annotations['reading']`` is the annotation giving the intended meaning of the expression (in English). original (Expression): The original expression, before transformation. fresh_vars (Set(string)): The set of names of the variables in the expression. """ __slots__ = ('sub_exprs', 'simpler', 'value', 'status', 'code', 'annotations', 'original', 'str', 'fresh_vars', 'type', '_reified', 'is_type_constraint_for', 'co_constraint', 'normal', 'questions', 'relevant') COUNT = 0 def __init__(self): self.sub_exprs: List["Expression"] self.simpler: Optional["Expression"] = None self.value: Optional["Expression"] = None self.code: str = sys.intern(str(self)) self.annotations: Dict[str, str] = {'reading': self.code} self.original: Expression = self self.str: str = self.code self.fresh_vars: Optional[Set[str]] = None self.type: Optional[str] = None self._reified: Optional["Expression"] = None self.is_type_constraint_for: Optional[str] = None self.co_constraint: Optional["Expression"] = None # attributes of the top node of a (co-)constraint self.questions: Optional[OrderedSet] = None self.relevant: Optional[bool] = None self.block: Any = None
[docs] def copy(self): " create a deep copy (except for Constructor and Number) " if type(self) in [Constructor, Number, Variable]: return self out = copy.copy(self) out.sub_exprs = [e.copy() for e in out.sub_exprs] out.value = None if out.value is None else out.value.copy() out.simpler = None if out.simpler is None else out.simpler.copy() out.co_constraint = (None if out.co_constraint is None else out.co_constraint.copy()) if hasattr(self, 'questions'): out.questions = copy.copy(self.questions) return out
def same_as(self, other): if self.value is not None: return self.value .same_as(other) if self.simpler is not None: return self.simpler.same_as(other) if other.value is not None: return self.same_as(other.value) if other.simpler is not None: return self.same_as(other.simpler) if (isinstance(self, Brackets) or (isinstance(self, AQuantification) and len(self.q_vars) == 0)): return self.sub_exprs[0].same_as(other) if (isinstance(other, Brackets) or (isinstance(other, AQuantification) and len(other.q_vars) == 0)): return self.same_as(other.sub_exprs[0]) return self.str == other.str and type(self) == type(other) def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __str__(self): self.check(self.value is not self, "Internal error") if self.value is not None: return str(self.value) if self.simpler is not None: return str(self.simpler) return self.__str1__() def __log__(self): # for debugWithYamlLog return {'class': type(self).__name__, 'code': self.code, 'str': self.str, 'co_constraint': self.co_constraint}
[docs] def annotate(self, voc, q_vars): " annotate tree after parsing " self.sub_exprs = [e.annotate(voc, q_vars) for e in self.sub_exprs] return self.annotate1()
[docs] def annotate1(self): " annotations that are common to __init__ and make() " self.fresh_vars = set() if self.value is not None: pass if self.simpler is not None: self.fresh_vars = self.simpler.fresh_vars else: for e in self.sub_exprs: self.fresh_vars.update(e.fresh_vars) return self
[docs] def collect(self, questions, all_=True, co_constraints=True): """collects the questions in self. `questions` is an OrderedSet of Expression Questions are the terms and the simplest sub-formula that can be evaluated. `collect` uses the simplified version of the expression. all_=False : ignore expanded formulas and AppliedSymbol interpreted in a structure co_constraints=False : ignore co_constraints default implementation for Constructor, IfExpr, AUnary, Variable, Number_constant, Brackets """ for e in self.sub_exprs: e.collect(questions, all_, co_constraints)
def _questions(self): # for debugging questions = OrderedSet() self.collect(questions) return questions
[docs] def generate_constructors(self, constructors: dict): """ fills the list `constructors` with all constructors belonging to open types. """ for e in self.sub_exprs: e.generate_constructors(constructors)
[docs] def unknown_symbols(self, co_constraints=True): """ returns the list of symbol declarations in self, ignoring type constraints returns Dict[name, Declaration] """ if self.is_type_constraint_for is not None: # ignore type constraints return {} questions = OrderedSet() self.collect(questions, all_=True, co_constraints=co_constraints) out = { e.decl for e in questions.values() if hasattr(e, 'decl')} return out
[docs] def co_constraints(self, co_constraints): """ collects the constraints attached to AST nodes, e.g. instantiated definitions `co_constraints is an OrderedSet of Expression """ if self.co_constraint is not None: co_constraints.append(self.co_constraint) self.co_constraint.co_constraints(co_constraints) for e in self.sub_exprs: e.co_constraints(co_constraints)
[docs] def as_rigid(self): " returns a Number or Constructor, or None " return self.value
def is_reified(self): return True
[docs] def is_assignment(self) -> bool: """ Returns: bool: True if `self` assigns a rigid term to a rigid function application """ return False
def has_decision(self): # returns true if it contains a variable declared in decision # vocabulary return any(e.has_decision() for e in self.sub_exprs) def type_inference(self): # returns a dictionary {Variable : Sort} try: return dict(ChainMap(*(e.type_inference() for e in self.sub_exprs))) except AttributeError as e: if "has no attribute 'sorts'" in str(e): msg = f"Incorrect arity for {self}" else: msg = f"Unknown error for {self}" self.check(False, msg) def __str1__(self) -> str: return '' # monkey-patched def update_exprs(self, new_exprs) -> "Expression": return self # monkey-patched def simplify1(self) -> "Expression": return self # monkey-patched def substitute(self, e0: "Expression", e1: "Expression", assignments: "Assignments", todo=None) -> "Expression": return self # monkey-patched def instantiate(self, e0: "Expression", e1: "Expression" ) -> "Expression": return self # monkey-patched def interpret(self, problem: Any) -> "Expression": return self # monkey-patched def symbolic_propagate(self, assignments: "Assignments", truth: Optional["Constructor"] = None ) -> List[Tuple["Expression", "Constructor"]]: return [] # monkey-patched def propagate1(self, assignments: "Assignments", truth: Optional["Expression"] = None ) -> List[Tuple["Expression", bool]]: return [] # monkey-patched def translate(self): pass # monkey-patched def reified(self): pass # monkey-patched def translate1(self): pass # monkey-patched
[docs] def as_set_condition(self) -> Tuple[Optional["AppliedSymbol"], Optional[bool], Optional["Enumeration"]]: """Returns an equivalent expression of the type "x in y", or None Returns: Tuple[Optional[AppliedSymbol], Optional[bool], Optional[Enumeration]]: meaning "expr is (not) in enumeration" """ return (None, None, None)
[docs]class Constructor(Expression): PRECEDENCE = 200 def __init__(self, **kwargs): = unquote(kwargs.pop('name')) self.sub_exprs = [] super().__init__() self.fresh_vars = set() self.symbol = None # set only for SYMBOL constructors self.translated: Any = None def __str1__(self): return
[docs] def as_rigid(self): return self
def is_reified(self): return False
TRUE = Constructor(name='true') FALSE = Constructor(name='false')
[docs]class IfExpr(Expression): PRECEDENCE = 10 IF = 0 THEN = 1 ELSE = 2 def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.if_f = kwargs.pop('if_f') self.then_f = kwargs.pop('then_f') self.else_f = kwargs.pop('else_f') self.sub_exprs = [self.if_f, self.then_f, self.else_f] super().__init__() @classmethod def make(cls, if_f, then_f, else_f): out = (cls)(if_f=if_f, then_f=then_f, else_f=else_f) return out.annotate1().simplify1() def __str1__(self): return (f" if {self.sub_exprs[IfExpr.IF ].str}" f" then {self.sub_exprs[IfExpr.THEN].str}" f" else {self.sub_exprs[IfExpr.ELSE].str}")
[docs] def annotate1(self): self.type = self.sub_exprs[IfExpr.THEN].type return super().annotate1()
class Quantee(object): def __init__(self, var, sort): self.var = var self.sort = sort
[docs]class AQuantification(Expression): PRECEDENCE = 20 def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.q = kwargs.pop('q') self.quantees = kwargs.pop('quantees') self.f = kwargs.pop('f') self.q = '∀' if self.q == '!' else '∃' if self.q == "?" else self.q self.vars, self.sorts = [], [] for q in self.quantees: self.vars.append(q.var) self.sorts.append(q.sort) self.sub_exprs = [self.f] self.quantifier_is_expanded = False super().__init__() self.q_vars = {} # dict[String, Variable] self.type = BOOL
[docs] @classmethod def make(cls, q, q_vars, f): "make and annotate a quantified formula" quantees = [Quantee(, v.sort) for v in q_vars.values()] out = cls(q=q, quantees=quantees, f=f) out.q_vars = q_vars return out.annotate1()
def __str1__(self): if not self.quantifier_is_expanded: self.check(len(self.vars) == len(self.sorts), "Internal error") vars = ''.join([f"{v}[{s}]" for v, s in zip(self.vars, self.sorts)]) return f"{self.q}{vars} : {self.sub_exprs[0].str}" else: return self.sub_exprs[0].str
[docs] def annotate(self, voc, q_vars): # First we check for some common errors. for v in self.vars: self.check(v not in voc.symbol_decls, f"the quantified variable '{v}' cannot have" f" the same name as another symbol") self.check(len(self.vars) == len(self.sorts), "Internal error") self.q_vars = {} for v, s in zip(self.vars, self.sorts): if s: s.annotate(voc) self.q_vars[v] = Variable(v, s) q_v = {**q_vars, **self.q_vars} # merge self.sub_exprs = [e.annotate(voc, q_v) for e in self.sub_exprs] return self.annotate1()
[docs] def annotate1(self): super().annotate1() # remove q_vars self.fresh_vars = self.fresh_vars.difference(set(self.q_vars.keys())) return self
[docs] def collect(self, questions, all_=True, co_constraints=True): questions.append(self) if all_: for e in self.sub_exprs: e.collect(questions, all_, co_constraints)
[docs]class BinaryOperator(Expression): PRECEDENDE = 0 # monkey-patched MAP = dict() # monkey-patched def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.sub_exprs = kwargs.pop('sub_exprs') self.operator = kwargs.pop('operator') self.operator = list(map( lambda op: "≤" if op == "=<" else "≥" if op == ">=" else "≠" if op == "~=" else \ "⇔" if op == "<=>" else "⇐" if op == "<=" else "⇒" if op == "=>" else \ "∨" if op == "|" else "∧" if op == "&" else op , self.operator)) super().__init__() self.type = BOOL if self.operator[0] in '&|∧∨⇒⇐⇔' \ else BOOL if self.operator[0] in '=<>≤≥≠' \ else None
[docs] @classmethod def make(cls, ops, operands): """ creates a BinaryOp beware: cls must be specific for ops !""" if len(operands) == 1: return operands[0] if isinstance(ops, str): ops = [ops] * (len(operands)-1) out = (cls)(sub_exprs=operands, operator=ops) return out.annotate1().simplify1()
def __str1__(self): def parenthesis(precedence, x): return f"({x.str})" if type(x).PRECEDENCE <= precedence else f"{x.str}" precedence = type(self).PRECEDENCE temp = parenthesis(precedence, self.sub_exprs[0]) for i in range(1, len(self.sub_exprs)): temp += f" {self.operator[i-1]} {parenthesis(precedence, self.sub_exprs[i])}" return temp
[docs] def annotate1(self): self.check(not (self.operator[0] == '⇒' and 2 < len(self.sub_exprs)), "Implication is not associative. Please use parenthesis.") if self.type is None: self.type = REAL if any(e.type == REAL for e in self.sub_exprs) \ else INT if any(e.type == INT for e in self.sub_exprs) \ else self.sub_exprs[0].type # constructed type, without arithmetic return super().annotate1()
[docs] def collect(self, questions, all_=True, co_constraints=True): if self.operator[0] in '=<>≤≥≠': questions.append(self) for e in self.sub_exprs: e.collect(questions, all_, co_constraints)
[docs]class AImplication(BinaryOperator): PRECEDENCE = 50
[docs]class AEquivalence(BinaryOperator): PRECEDENCE = 40
[docs]class ARImplication(BinaryOperator): PRECEDENCE = 30
[docs] def annotate(self, voc, q_vars): # reverse the implication self.sub_exprs.reverse() out = AImplication(sub_exprs=self.sub_exprs, operator=['⇒']*len(self.operator)) if hasattr(self, "block"): out.block = self.block return out.annotate(voc, q_vars)
[docs]class ADisjunction(BinaryOperator): PRECEDENCE = 60 def __str1__(self): if not hasattr(self, 'enumerated'): return super().__str1__() return f"{self.sub_exprs[0].sub_exprs[0].code} in {{{self.enumerated}}}"
[docs]class AConjunction(BinaryOperator): PRECEDENCE = 70
[docs]class AComparison(BinaryOperator): PRECEDENCE = 80 def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def annotate(self, voc, q_vars): out = super().annotate(voc, q_vars) # a≠b --> Not(a=b) if len(self.sub_exprs) == 2 and self.operator == ['≠']: out = AUnary.make('¬', AComparison.make('=', self.sub_exprs)) return out
[docs] def is_assignment(self): # f(x)=y return len(self.sub_exprs) == 2 and \ self.operator in [['='], ['≠']] \ and isinstance(self.sub_exprs[0], AppliedSymbol) \ and all(e.as_rigid() is not None for e in self.sub_exprs[0].sub_exprs) \ and self.sub_exprs[1].as_rigid() is not None
[docs]class ASumMinus(BinaryOperator): PRECEDENCE = 90
[docs]class AMultDiv(BinaryOperator): PRECEDENCE = 100
[docs]class APower(BinaryOperator): PRECEDENCE = 110
[docs]class AUnary(Expression): PRECEDENCE = 120 MAP = dict() # monkey-patched def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.f = kwargs.pop('f') self.operator = kwargs.pop('operator').replace('~', '¬') self.sub_exprs = [self.f] super().__init__() @classmethod def make(cls, op, expr): out = AUnary(operator=op, f=expr) return out.annotate1().simplify1() def __str1__(self): return f"{self.operator}({self.sub_exprs[0].str})"
[docs] def annotate1(self): self.type = self.sub_exprs[0].type return super().annotate1()
[docs]class AAggregate(Expression): PRECEDENCE = 130 CONDITION = 0 OUT = 1 def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.aggtype = kwargs.pop('aggtype') self.quantees = kwargs.pop('quantees') self.f = kwargs.pop('f') self.out = kwargs.pop('out') self.vars, self.sorts = [], [] for q in self.quantees: self.vars.append(q.var) self.sorts.append(q.sort) self.sub_exprs = [self.f, self.out] if self.out else [self.f] # later: expressions to be summed self.quantifier_is_expanded = False # cannot test q_vars, because aggregate may not have quantee super().__init__() self.q_vars = {} if self.aggtype == "sum" and self.out is None: raise Exception("Must have output variable for sum") if self.aggtype != "sum" and self.out is not None: raise Exception("Can't have output variable for #") def __str1__(self): if not self.quantifier_is_expanded: self.check(len(self.vars) == len(self.sorts), "Internal error") vars = "".join([f"{v}[{s}]" for v, s in zip(self.vars, self.sorts)]) output = f" : {self.sub_exprs[AAggregate.OUT].str}" if self.out else "" out = (f"{self.aggtype}{{{vars} : " f"{self.sub_exprs[AAggregate.CONDITION].str}" f"{output}}}") else: out = (f"{self.aggtype}{{" f"{','.join(e.str for e in self.sub_exprs)}" f"}}") return out
[docs] def annotate(self, voc, q_vars): for v in self.vars: self.check(v not in voc.symbol_decls, f"the quantifier variable '{v}' cannot have the same name as another symbol.") self.check(len(self.vars) == len(self.sorts), "Internal error") self.q_vars = {} for v, s in zip(self.vars, self.sorts): if s: s.annotate(voc) self.q_vars[v] = Variable(v, s) q_v = {**q_vars, **self.q_vars} # merge self.sub_exprs = [e.annotate(voc, q_v) for e in self.sub_exprs] self.type = self.sub_exprs[AAggregate.OUT].type if self.out else INT self = self.annotate1() # remove q_vars after annotate1 self.fresh_vars = self.fresh_vars.difference(set(self.q_vars.keys())) return self
[docs] def collect(self, questions, all_=True, co_constraints=True): if all_ or len(self.sorts) == 0: for e in self.sub_exprs: e.collect(questions, all_, co_constraints)
[docs]class AppliedSymbol(Expression): PRECEDENCE = 200 def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.s = kwargs.pop('s') self.args = kwargs.pop('args') if 'is_enumerated' in kwargs: self.is_enumerated = kwargs.pop('is_enumerated') else: self.is_enumerated = '' if 'is_enumeration' in kwargs: self.is_enumeration = kwargs.pop('is_enumeration') else: self.is_enumeration = '' if 'in_enumeration' in kwargs: self.in_enumeration = kwargs.pop('in_enumeration') else: self.in_enumeration = None self.sub_exprs = self.args.sub_exprs super().__init__() self.decl = None = @classmethod def make(cls, symbol, args, **kwargs): out = cls(s=symbol, args=Arguments(sub_exprs=args), **kwargs) out.sub_exprs = args # annotate out.decl = symbol.decl return out.annotate1() def __str1__(self): if len(self.sub_exprs) == 0: out = f"{str(self.s)}" else: out = f"{str(self.s)}({','.join([x.str for x in self.sub_exprs])})" if self.in_enumeration: enum = f"{', '.join(str(e) for e in self.in_enumeration.tuples)}" return (f"{out}" f"{ ' '+self.is_enumerated if self.is_enumerated else ''}" f"{ f' {self.is_enumeration} {{{enum}}}' if self.in_enumeration else ''}")
[docs] def annotate(self, voc, q_vars): self.sub_exprs = [e.annotate(voc, q_vars) for e in self.sub_exprs] try: self.decl = q_vars[].sort.decl if in q_vars\ else voc.symbol_decls[] except KeyError: self.check(False, f"Unknown symbol {self}") self.s.decl = self.decl if self.in_enumeration: self.in_enumeration.annotate(voc) # move the negation out if 'not' in self.is_enumerated: out = AppliedSymbol.make(self.s, self.sub_exprs, is_enumerated='is enumerated') out = AUnary.make('¬', out) elif 'not' in self.is_enumeration: out = AppliedSymbol.make(self.s, self.sub_exprs, is_enumeration='in', in_enumeration=self.in_enumeration) out = AUnary.make('¬', out) else: out = self.annotate1() return out
[docs] def annotate1(self): self.type = (BOOL if self.is_enumerated or self.in_enumeration else self.decl.type if self.decl else None) out = super().annotate1() if out.decl and == SYMBOL: # a symbol variable out.fresh_vars.add( return out
[docs] def collect(self, questions, all_=True, co_constraints=True): if != SYMBOL and != '__relevant': questions.append(self) for e in self.sub_exprs: e.collect(questions, all_, co_constraints) if co_constraints and self.co_constraint is not None: self.co_constraint.collect(questions, all_, co_constraints)
def has_decision(self): self.check(self.decl.block is not None, "Internal error") return not == 'environment' \ or any(e.has_decision() for e in self.sub_exprs) def type_inference(self): try: out = {} for i, e in enumerate(self.sub_exprs): if != SYMBOL and isinstance(e, Variable): out[] = self.decl.sorts[i] else: out.update(e.type_inference()) return out except AttributeError as e: # if "object has no attribute 'sorts'" in str(e): msg = f"Unexpected arity for symbol {self}" else: msg = f"Unknown error for symbol {self}" self.check(False, msg) def is_reified(self): return (self.in_enumeration or self.is_enumerated or any(e.is_reified() for e in self.sub_exprs)) def reified(self): if self._reified is None: self._reified = ( super().reified() if self.is_reified() else self.translate() ) return self._reified
[docs] def generate_constructors(self, constructors: dict): if == 'unit' or == 'category': constructor = Constructor(name=self.sub_exprs[0].name) constructors[].append(constructor)
class Arguments(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.sub_exprs = kwargs.pop('sub_exprs') super().__init__()
[docs]class UnappliedSymbol(Expression): """The result of parsing a symbol not applied to arguments. Can be a constructor, a quantified variable, or a symbol application without arguments (by abuse of notation, e.g. 'p'). (The parsing of numbers result directly in Number nodes) Converted to the proper AST class by annotate(). """ PRECEDENCE = 200 def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.s = kwargs.pop('s') = Expression.__init__(self) self.sub_exprs = [] self.decl = None self.translated = None self.is_enumerated = None self.is_enumeration = None self.in_enumeration = None def __str1__(self): return
[docs] def annotate(self, voc, q_vars): if in voc.symbol_decls and type(voc.symbol_decls[]) == Constructor: return voc.symbol_decls[] if in q_vars: return q_vars[] # elif in voc.symbol_decls: # in symbol_decls # out = AppliedSymbol(s=self.s, # args=Arguments(sub_exprs=self.sub_exprs)) # return out.annotate(voc, q_vars) # If this code is reached, an undefined symbol was present. self.check(False, f"Symbol not in vocabulary: {self}")
[docs] def collect(self, questions, all_=True, co_constraints=True): self.check(False, f"Internal error: {self}")
[docs]class Variable(Expression): """AST node for a variable in a quantification or aggregate """ PRECEDENCE = 200 def __init__(self, name, sort): = name self.sort = sort super().__init__() self.type = if sort else '' self.sub_exprs = [] self.translated = None self.fresh_vars = set([]) def __str1__(self): return
[docs]class Number(Expression): PRECEDENCE = 200 def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.number = kwargs.pop('number') super().__init__() self.sub_exprs = [] self.fresh_vars = set() self.translated = None self.translate() # also sets self.type def __str__(self): return self.number
[docs] def as_rigid(self): return self
def is_reified(self): return False
ZERO = Number(number='0') ONE = Number(number='1')
[docs]class Brackets(Expression): PRECEDENCE = 200 def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.f = kwargs.pop('f') annotations = kwargs.pop('annotations') self.sub_exprs = [self.f] super().__init__() if type(annotations) == dict: self.annotations = annotations elif annotations is None: self.annotations['reading'] = '' else: # Annotations instance self.annotations = annotations.annotations # don't @use_value, to have parenthesis def __str__(self): return f"({self.sub_exprs[0].str})" def __str1__(self): return str(self)
[docs] def as_rigid(self): return self.sub_exprs[0].as_rigid()
[docs] def annotate1(self): self.type = self.sub_exprs[0].type if self.annotations['reading']: self.sub_exprs[0].annotations = self.annotations self.fresh_vars = self.sub_exprs[0].fresh_vars return self