Source code for idp_solver.Substitute

# cython: binding=True

# Copyright 2019 Ingmar Dasseville, Pierre Carbonnelle
# This file is part of Interactive_Consultant.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.


Methods to

* substitute a constant by its value in an expression
* replace symbols interpreted in a structure by their interpretation
* instantiate an expresion, i.e. replace a variable by a value
* expand quantifiers

This module monkey-patches the Expression class and sub-classes.

( see docs/zettlr/ )


import copy

from idp_solver.Expression import Constructor, Expression, IfExpr, AQuantification, \
                    ADisjunction, AConjunction,  AAggregate, AUnary, \
                    AComparison, AppliedSymbol, UnappliedSymbol, Number, \
                    Variable, TRUE
from idp_solver.utils import BOOL, SYMBOL

# class Expression  ###########################################################

# @log  # decorator patched in by tests/
def substitute(self, e0, e1, assignments, todo=None):
    """ recursively substitute e0 by e1 in self (e0 is not a Variable)

    implementation for everything but AppliedSymbol, UnappliedSymbol and

    assert not isinstance(e0, Variable) or isinstance(e1, Variable)  # should use instantiate instead
    assert self.co_constraint is None  # see AppliedSymbol instead

    # similar code in AppliedSymbol !
    if self.code == e0.code:
        if self.code == e1.code:
            return self  # to avoid infinite loops
        return self._change(value=e1)  # e1 is Constructor or Number
        # will update self.simpler
        out = self.update_exprs(e.substitute(e0, e1, assignments, todo)
                                for e in self.sub_exprs)
        return out
Expression.substitute = substitute

def instantiate(self, e0, e1):
    recursively substitute Variable e0 by e1 in self

    instantiating e0=`x by e1=`f in self=`x(y) returns f(y)
    (or any instance of f if arities don't match)
    out = copy.copy(self)
    out.annotations = copy.copy(out.annotations)

    # instantiate expressions, with simplification
    out = out.update_exprs(e.instantiate(e0, e1) for e
                           in out.sub_exprs)

    simpler, co_constraint = None, None
    if out.simpler is not None:
        simpler = out.simpler.instantiate(e0, e1)
    if out.co_constraint is not None:
        co_constraint = out.co_constraint.instantiate(e0, e1)
    out._change(simpler=simpler, co_constraint=co_constraint)

    if out.value is not None:  # replace by new value
        out = out.value
        out.original = out

    if in out.fresh_vars:
        if type(e1) == Variable:
        if isinstance(out, AComparison):
    out.code = str(out)
    out.annotations['reading'] = out.code
    return out
Expression.instantiate = instantiate

def interpret(self, problem) -> Expression:
    """ uses information in the problem and its vocabulary to:
    - expand quantifiers in the expression
    - simplify the expression using known assignments
    - instantiate definitions

        problem (Problem): the Problem to apply

        Expression: the resulting expression
    if self.is_type_constraint_for:  # do not interpret typeConstraints
        return self
    out = self.update_exprs(e.interpret(problem) for e in self.sub_exprs)
    return out
Expression.interpret = interpret

# Class AQuantification  ######################################################

def interpret(self, problem):
    inferred = self.sub_exprs[0].type_inference()
    for q in self.q_vars:
        if not self.q_vars[q].sort and q in inferred:
            new_var = Variable(q, inferred[q])
            self.sub_exprs[0].substitute(new_var, new_var, {})
            self.q_vars[q] = new_var

    for v, s in inferred.items():
        assert v not in self.q_vars or self.q_vars[v].sort.decl == s.decl, \
            f"Inconsistent types for {v} in {self}"

    forms = [self.sub_exprs[0]]
    new_vars = {}
    for name, var in self.q_vars.items():
        if var.sort and var.sort.decl.range:
            out = []
            for f in forms:
                for val in var.sort.decl.range:
                    new_f = f.instantiate(var, val)
            forms = [f.interpret(problem) for f in out]
            new_vars[name] = var
    self.q_vars = new_vars

    if not self.q_vars:
        self.quantifier_is_expanded = True
        if self.q == '∀':
            out = AConjunction.make('∧', forms)
            out = ADisjunction.make('∨', forms)
        return self._change(sub_exprs=[out])
    return self._change(sub_exprs=forms)
AQuantification.interpret = interpret

# Class AAggregate  ######################################################

def interpret(self, problem):
    if self.quantifier_is_expanded:
        return Expression.interpret(self, problem)
    inferred = self.sub_exprs[0].type_inference()
    if 1 < len(self.sub_exprs):
        inferred = {**inferred, **self.sub_exprs[1].type_inference()}
    for q in self.q_vars:
        if not self.q_vars[q].sort and q in inferred:
            new_var = Variable(q, inferred[q])
            self.sub_exprs[0].substitute(new_var, new_var, {})
            self.q_vars[q] = new_var

    for v, s in inferred.items():
        assert v not in self.q_vars or self.q_vars[v].sort.decl == s.decl, \
            f"Inconsistent types for {v} in {self}"

    forms = [IfExpr.make(if_f=self.sub_exprs[AAggregate.CONDITION],
             then_f=Number(number='1') if self.out is None else
    for name, var in self.q_vars.items():
        if var.sort.decl.range:
            out = []
            for f in forms:
                for val in var.sort.decl.range:
                    new_f = f.instantiate(var, val)
            forms = [f.interpret(problem) for f in out]
            raise Exception('Can only quantify aggregates over finite domains')
    self.q_vars = {}
    self.vars = None  # flag to indicate changes
    self.quantifier_is_expanded = True
    return self.update_exprs(forms)
AAggregate.interpret = interpret

# Class AppliedSymbol  ##############################################

def interpret(self, problem):
    sub_exprs = [e.interpret(problem) for e in self.sub_exprs]
    simpler, co_constraint = None, None
    if self.is_enumerated:
        assert self.decl.type != BOOL, \
            f"Can't use 'is enumerated' with predicate {}."
        if in problem.interpretations:
            interpretation = problem.interpretations[]
            if interpretation.default is not None:
                simpler = TRUE
                simpler = interpretation.enumeration.contains(sub_exprs, True)
            if 'not' in self.is_enumerated:
                simpler = AUnary.make('¬', simpler)
            simpler.annotations = self.annotations
    elif self.in_enumeration:
        # re-create original Applied Symbol
        core = AppliedSymbol.make(self.s, sub_exprs).copy()
        simpler = self.in_enumeration.contains([core], False)
        if 'not' in self.is_enumeration:
            simpler = AUnary.make('¬', simpler)
        simpler.annotations = self.annotations
    elif ( in problem.interpretations
            and any( == SYMBOL for s in self.decl.sorts)):
        # apply enumeration of predicate over symbols to allow simplification
        # do not do it otherwise, for performance reasons
        simpler = (problem.interpretations[].interpret)(problem, 0,
    if self.decl in problem.clark:  # has a definition
        #TODO need to quantify the co_constraints for the fresh_vars
        assert not self.fresh_vars, (
            f"The following variable(s) has not been quantified: "
            f"{','.join([str(v) for v in self.fresh_vars])}")
        co_constraint = problem.clark[self.decl].instantiate_definition(sub_exprs, problem)
    out = self._change(sub_exprs=sub_exprs, simpler=simpler, co_constraint=co_constraint)
    if simpler is not None:
        out.original = simpler.copy()  # so that translated assignment is correct
    return out
AppliedSymbol.interpret = interpret

# @log_calls  # decorator patched in by tests/
def substitute(self, e0, e1, assignments, todo=None):
    """ recursively substitute e0 by e1 in self """

    assert not isinstance(e0, Variable) or isinstance(e1, Variable), \
        f"should use 'instantiate instead of 'substitute for {e0}->{e1}"

    new_branch = None
    if self.co_constraint is not None:
        new_branch = self.co_constraint.substitute(e0, e1, assignments, todo)
        if todo is not None:

    if self.code == e0.code:
        return self._change(value=e1, co_constraint=new_branch)
    elif self.simpler is not None:  # has an interpretation
        assert self.co_constraint is None
        simpler = self.simpler.substitute(e0, e1, assignments, todo)
        return self._change(simpler=simpler)
        sub_exprs = [e.substitute(e0, e1, assignments, todo)
                     for e in self.sub_exprs]  # no simplification here
        return self._change(sub_exprs=sub_exprs, co_constraint=new_branch)
AppliedSymbol .substitute = substitute

def instantiate(self, e0, e1):
    if == e0.code:
        if type(self) == AppliedSymbol and == SYMBOL:
            if (isinstance(e1, Constructor)
               and len(self.sub_exprs) == len(e1.symbol.decl.sorts)):
                out = AppliedSymbol.make(e1.symbol, self.sub_exprs)
                return out
            elif isinstance(e1, Variable):  # replacing variable in a definition
                out = copy.copy(self)
                out.code = out.code.replace(e0.code, e1.code)
                out.str = out.code.replace(e0.code, e1.code)
       = e1.code
       = e1.code
                return out
                return list(e1.symbol.decl.instances.values())[0]  # should be "unknown"
        elif len(self.sub_exprs) == 0:
            return e1
    out = Expression.instantiate(self, e0, e1)
    return out
AppliedSymbol .instantiate = instantiate

# Class Variable  #######################################################

def instantiate(self, e0, e1):
    return e1 if self.code == e0.code else self
Variable.instantiate = instantiate

def interpret(self, problem):
    return self
Variable.interpret = interpret

# @log  # decorator patched in by tests/
def substitute(self, e0, e1, assignments, todo=None):
    return e1 if self.code == e0.code else self
Variable.substitute = substitute

Done = True