Source code for idp_engine.Assignments

# Copyright 2019-2023 Ingmar Dasseville, Pierre Carbonnelle
# This file is part of IDP-Z3.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.


Classes to store assignments of values to questions

from __future__ import annotations

__all__ = ["Status", "Assignment", "Assignments"]

from collections import defaultdict
from copy import copy, deepcopy
from datetime import date
from enum import Enum, auto
from typing import Optional, Tuple, List, TYPE_CHECKING
from z3 import BoolRef

from .Expression import (Expression, TRUE, FALSE, NOT, EQUALS, AppliedSymbol, SetName,
                         Date, Number,
from .utils import NEWL, BOOL, INT, REAL, DATE, IDPZ3Error

    from .Parse import SymbolDeclaration, Enumeration
    from .Theory import Theory

[docs]class Status(Enum): """Describes how the value of a question was obtained""" UNKNOWN = auto() # fixed values: STRUCTURE = auto() UNIVERSAL = auto() CONSEQUENCE = auto() ENV_CONSQ = auto() # choices: EXPANDED = auto() DEFAULT = auto() GIVEN = auto()
def str_to_IDP(val_string: str, type_: SetName, ) -> Expression: """recursive function to decode a val_string in set `type_` Args: type_ (SetName): set containing the value val_string (str): a string containing a value Raises: IDPZ3Error: if wrong value Returns: Expression: the internal representation of the value """ if (hasattr(type_.root_set.decl, 'map') and val_string in # constructor out =[val_string] elif 1 < len(val_string.split('(')): # e.g., pos(0,0) assert hasattr(type_.decl, 'interpretation'), "Internal error" # find constructor name and its arguments in val_string stack : List[int] = [] args : List[str] = [] for i, c in enumerate(val_string): if c == '(': name : str = val_string[:i].strip() if len(stack) == 0 else name stack.append(i+1) elif c == ',' and len(stack) == 1: start = stack.pop() args.append(val_string[start: i]) stack.append(i+2) elif c == ')': start = stack.pop() if len(stack) == 0: args.append(val_string[start: i]) # TODO construct the AppliedSymbol here, rather than later # find the constructor constructor = None assert type(type_.decl.interpretation) == "SymbolInterpretation", "Internal error" for cons in type_.decl.interpretation.enumeration.constructors: if == name: constructor = cons assert constructor is not None, f"wrong constructor name '{name}' for {type_}" new_args = [] for a, s in zip(args, assert s.decl is not None, "Internal error" new_args.append(str_to_IDP(a, s)) out = AppliedSymbol.construct(constructor, new_args) else: interp = getattr(type_.root_set.decl, "interpretation", None) enum_type = ( if interp else if type(type_.decl) == "TypeDeclaration" else if type_ == BOOL_SETNAME or enum_type == BOOL: out = (TRUE if val_string == 'True' else FALSE if val_string == 'False' else None) if out is None: raise IDPZ3Error(f"wrong boolean value: {val_string}") elif type_ == DATE_SETNAME or enum_type == DATE: d = (date.fromordinal(eval(val_string)) if not val_string.startswith('#') else date.fromisoformat(val_string[1:])) out = Date(iso=f"#{d.isoformat()}") elif type_ == REAL_SETNAME or enum_type == REAL: out = Number(number= val_string if '/' in val_string else str(float(eval(val_string.replace('?', ''))))) elif type_ == INT_SETNAME or enum_type == INT: out = Number(number=str(eval(val_string))) else: raise IDPZ3Error(f"unknown type for: {val_string}: {type_.decl}") return out
[docs]class Assignment(object): """Represent the assignment of a value to a question. Questions can be: * predicates and functions applied to arguments, * comparisons, * outermost quantified expressions A value is a rigid term. An assignment also has a reference to the symbol under which it should be displayed. Attributes: sentence (Expression): the question to be assigned a value value (Expression, optional): a rigid term status (Status, optional): qualifies how the value was obtained is_certainly_undefined (bool): True for functions applied to arguments certainly outside of its domain relevant (bool, optional): states whether the sentence is relevant symbol_decl (SymbolDeclaration): declaration of the symbol under which it should be displayed in the IC. """
[docs] def __init__(self, sentence: Expression, value: Optional[Expression], status: Optional[Status], relevant: Optional[bool] = True): self.sentence: Expression = sentence self.value: Optional[Expression] = value self.status: Optional[Status] = status self.is_certainly_undefined = False self.relevant: Optional[bool] = relevant # First symbol in the sentence, preferably not starting with '_': # if no public symbol (not starting with '_') is found, the first # private one is used. self.symbol_decl: Optional[SymbolDeclaration] = None default = None self.symbols: dict[str, SymbolDeclaration] = \ sentence.collect_symbols(co_constraints=False).values() for d in self.symbols: if not'_'): if not d.by_z3: # ignore accessors and testers self.symbol_decl = d break elif default is None: default = d if not self.symbol_decl: # use the '_' symbol (to allow relevance computation) self.symbol_decl = default
def copy(self, shallow: Optional[bool] =False ) -> Assignment: out = copy(self) if not shallow: out.sentence = deepcopy(out.sentence) return out def __str__(self) -> str: pre, post = '', '' if self.value is None: pre = "? " elif self.value.same_as(TRUE): pre = "" elif self.value.same_as(FALSE): pre = "Not " else: post = f" -> {str(self.value)}" return f"{pre}{self.sentence.annotations['reading']}{post}" def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.__str__() def __log__(self) -> Optional[Expression]: return self.value
[docs] def same_as(self, other: Assignment) -> bool: """returns True if self has the same sentence and truth value as other. Args: other (Assignment): an assignment Returns: bool: True if self has the same sentence and truth value as other. """ return (self.sentence.same_as(other.sentence) and ((self.value is None and other.value is None) or (self.value is not None and other.value is not None and self.value.same_as(other.value))))
def to_json(self) -> str: # for GUI return str(self) def formula(self) -> Expression: if self.value is None: raise Exception("can't translate unknown value") if self.sentence.type == BOOL_SETNAME: out = self.sentence if self.value.same_as(TRUE) else \ NOT(self.sentence) else: out = EQUALS([self.sentence, self.value]) return out
[docs] def negate(self) -> Assignment: """returns an Assignment for the same sentence, but an opposite truth value. Raises: AssertionError: Cannot negate a non-boolean assignment Returns: [type]: returns an Assignment for the same sentence, but an opposite truth value. """ assert self.sentence.type == BOOL_SETNAME, "Cannot negate a non-boolean assignment" assert self.value is not None, "Cannot negate an assignment without value" value = FALSE if self.value.same_as(TRUE) else TRUE return Assignment(self.sentence, value, self.status, self.relevant)
def translate(self, problem: Theory) -> BoolRef: return self.formula().translate(problem)
[docs] def as_set_condition(self ) -> Tuple[Optional[AppliedSymbol], Optional[bool], Optional[Enumeration]]: """returns an equivalent set condition, or None Returns: Tuple[Optional[AppliedSymbol], Optional[bool], Optional[Enumeration]]: meaning "appSymb is (not) in enumeration" """ (x, y, z) = self.sentence.as_set_condition() assert self.value is not None, "Internal error" if x: return (x, y if self.value.same_as(TRUE) else not y, z) return (None, None, None)
[docs] def unset(self) -> None: """ Unsets the value of an assignment. Returns: None """ self.value = None self.status = Status.UNKNOWN
[docs]class Assignments(dict): """Contains a set of Assignment"""
[docs] def __init__(self, *arg, **kw): super(Assignments, self).__init__(*arg, **kw) self.symbols: dict[str, SymbolDeclaration] = {} for a in self.values(): if a.symbol_decl: self.symbols[] = a.symbol_decl
[docs] def copy(self, shallow: bool = False) -> "Assignments": return Assignments({k: v.copy(shallow) for k, v in self.items()})
def assert__(self, sentence: Expression, value: Optional[Expression], status: Optional[Status] ) -> Assignment: if sentence.code in self: out = self[sentence.code].copy(shallow=True) if out.status in [Status.GIVEN, Status.EXPANDED, Status.DEFAULT]\ and status in [Status.CONSEQUENCE, Status.ENV_CONSQ, Status.UNIVERSAL]: assert out.value.same_as(value), \ "System should not override given choices with different consequences, please report this bug." else: if not (out.status == Status.ENV_CONSQ and status == Status.CONSEQUENCE): # do not change an env consequence to a decision consequence out.value = value out.status = status else: out = Assignment(sentence, value, status) if out.symbol_decl: # ignore comparisons of constructors self[sentence.code] = out self.symbols[] = out.symbol_decl return out def __str__(self) -> str: """ Print the assignments in the same format as a model. Most symbols are printed as `name := {(val1, ..., val} -> valx, ...}.` with the exception of nullary symbols, which are printed as `name := value`. """ out : dict[SymbolDeclaration, dict[str, str]] = {} # ordered set of strings enumerated : dict[SymbolDeclaration, bool] = defaultdict(lambda: True) nullary = set() for a in self.values(): if type(a.sentence) == AppliedSymbol: if a.status not in [Status.DEFAULT, Status.STRUCTURE]: enumerated[a.symbol_decl] = False args = ", ".join(str(e) for e in a.sentence.sub_exprs) args = f"({args})" if 1 < len(a.sentence.sub_exprs) else args c = None if a.symbol_decl.arity == 0: # Symbol is a proposition or constant. c = f"{str(a.value)}" if a.value is not None else "*" nullary.add(a.symbol_decl) elif a.value == FALSE: # make sure we have an entry for `a` in `out` if a.symbol_decl not in out: out[a.symbol_decl] = {} elif a.value == TRUE: # Symbol is a predicate. c = f"{args}" elif a.value is not None: # Symbol is a function. c = f"{args} -> {str(a.value)}" if c: enum = out.get(a.symbol_decl, dict()) enum[c] = c out[a.symbol_decl] = enum model_str = "" for k, enum in out.items(): if k in nullary: # do not use {...} val = f"{} := {list(enum)[0]}.{NEWL}" if "*" in val: val = f"// {val}" else: sign = ':=' if k.instances or k.codomain == BOOL_SETNAME else '>>' # TODO improve sign detection (using root_set/extension, interpretation) # needs access to the theory ! finite_domain = all( not in [INT, REAL, DATE] for s in sign = ':=' if finite_domain or k.codomain == BOOL_SETNAME else '>>' val = f"{} {sign} {{{ ', '.join(s for s in enum) }}}.{NEWL}" val = f"{} {sign} {{{ ', '.join(s for s in enum) }}}.{NEWL}" if not enumerated[k]: model_str += val return model_str