Source code for idp_engine.Interpret

# cython: binding=True

# Copyright 2019-2023 Ingmar Dasseville, Pierre Carbonnelle
# This file is part of IDP-Z3.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.


Methods to ground / interpret a theory in a data structure

* expand quantifiers
* replace symbols interpreted in the structure by their interpretation
* instantiate definitions

This module monkey-patches the ASTNode class and sub-classes.

( see docs/zettlr/ )

from __future__ import annotations

from copy import copy, deepcopy
from itertools import product
from typing import List, Callable, Optional

from .Assignments import Status as S
from .Parse import (Import, TypeDeclaration, SymbolDeclaration,
                    SymbolInterpretation, FunctionEnum, Enumeration, TupleIDP,
                    ConstructedFrom, Definition)
from .Expression import (AIfExpr, IF,
                         SymbolExpr, Expression, Constructor, AQuantification,
                         SetName, FORALL, IMPLIES, AND, AAggregate,
                         AppliedSymbol, UnappliedSymbol, Quantee, Variable,
                         VARIABLE, TRUE, FALSE, Number, Extension,
from .Theory import Theory
from .utils import (BOOL, RESERVED_SYMBOLS, CONCEPT, OrderedSet, DEFAULT,
                    GOAL_SYMBOL, EXPAND, COUNTER, flatten)

# class Import  ###########################################################

def interpret(self: Import, problem: Theory):
Import.interpret = interpret

# class TypeDeclaration  ###########################################################

def interpret(self: TypeDeclaration, problem: Theory):
    interpretation = problem.interpretations.get(, None)
    if in [BOOL, CONCEPT]:
        ranges = [c.interpret(problem).range for c in self.constructors]
        ext = ([[t] for r in ranges for t in r], None)
        problem.extensions[] = ext
        self.check(interpretation is not None
                   and hasattr(interpretation, 'enumeration'),
                   f'Expected an interpretation for type {}')

        enum = interpretation.enumeration.interpret(problem)
        if enum.constructors:
            enum.lookup = { TRUE for k in enum.constructors}
        self.interpretation = interpretation
        self.constructors = enum.constructors

        if self.constructors is not None:
            for c in self.constructors:

        # update problem.extensions
        ext = enum.extensionE(problem.extensions)
        problem.extensions[] = ext

        # needed ?
        # if (isinstance(self.interpretation.enumeration, Ranges)
        # and self.interpretation.enumeration.tuples):
        #     # add condition that the interpretation is total over the infinite domain
        #     # ! x in N: type(x) <=> enum.contains(x)
        #     t = SETNAME(self.type)  # INT, REAL or DATE
        #     t.decl, t.type = self, self.type
        #     var = VARIABLE(f"${}!0$",t)
        #     q_vars = { f"${}!0$": var}
        #     quantees = [Quantee.make(var, subtype=t)]
        #     expr1 = AppliedSymbol.make(SYMBOL(, [var])
        #     expr1.decl = self
        #     expr2 = enum.contains(list(q_vars.values()), True)
        #     expr = EQUALS([expr1, expr2])
        #     constraint = FORALL(quantees, expr)
        #     constraint.annotations['reading'] = f"Enumeration of {} should cover its domain"
        #     problem.constraints.append(constraint)
TypeDeclaration.interpret = interpret

# class SymbolDeclaration  ###########################################################

def interpret(self: SymbolDeclaration, problem: Theory):
    assert all(isinstance(s, SetName) for s in, 'internal error'

    # determine the extension, i.e., (superset, filter)
    if len( == 0:  # () -> ..
        extensions = [ ([[]], None) ]
        superset = [[]]
    elif self.arity == 0:  # subset of ()
        extensions = [s.extension(problem.extensions) for s in]
        superset = [[]]
        extensions = [s.extension(problem.extensions) for s in]
        if any(e[0] is None for e in extensions):
            superset = None
            superset = list(product(*([ee[0] for ee in e[0]] for e in extensions)))

    filters = [e[1] for e in extensions]
    def filter(args):
        out = AND([f([deepcopy(t)]) if f is not None else TRUE
                    for f, t in zip(filters, args)])
        if self.codomain == BOOL_SETNAME:
            out = AND([out, deepcopy(AppliedSymbol.make(self.symbol_expr, args, type_check=False))])
        return out

    if self.codomain == BOOL_SETNAME:
        problem.extensions[] = (superset, filter)

    (range, _) = self.codomain.extension(problem.extensions)
    if range is None:
        self.range = []
        self.range = [e[0] for e in range]

    # create instances + empty assignment
    if not in RESERVED_SYMBOLS and superset is not None:
        self.instances = {}
        for args in superset:
            expr = AppliedSymbol.make(self.symbol_expr, args, type_check=False)
            self.instances[expr.code] = expr
            problem.assignments.assert__(expr, None, S.UNKNOWN)

    # interpret the enumeration
    if in problem.interpretations and != GOAL_SYMBOL:

    # create type constraints
    if type(self.instances) == dict and self.codomain != BOOL_SETNAME:
        for expr in self.instances.values():
            # add type constraints to problem.constraints
            # ! (x,y) in domain: range(f(x,y))
            range_condition = self.codomain.has_element(deepcopy(expr),
            if range_condition.same_as(TRUE):
            range_condition = range_condition.interpret(problem, {})
            constraint = IMPLIES([filter(expr.sub_exprs), range_condition])
            constraint.is_type_constraint_for =
            constraint.annotations['reading'] = f"Possible values for {expr}"
SymbolDeclaration.interpret = interpret

# class Definition  ###########################################################

def interpret(self: Definition, problem: Theory):
    """updates problem.def_constraints, by expanding the definitions

        problem (Theory):
            containts the enumerations for the expansion; is updated with the expanded definitions
    self.cache = {}  # reset the cache
Definition.interpret = interpret

# class SymbolInterpretation  ###########################################################

def interpret(self: SymbolInterpretation, problem: Theory):
    status = S.DEFAULT if == DEFAULT else S.STRUCTURE
    assert not self.is_type_enumeration, "Internal error"
        decl = problem.declarations[]
        assert isinstance(decl, SymbolDeclaration), "Internal error"
        # update problem.extensions
        if self.symbol_decl.codomain == BOOL_SETNAME:  # predicate
            extension = [t.args for t in self.enumeration.tuples]
            problem.extensions[] = (extension, None)

        enumeration = self.enumeration  # shorthand
        self.check(all(len(t.args) == self.symbol_decl.arity
                            + (1 if type(enumeration) == FunctionEnum else 0)
                        for t in enumeration.tuples),
            f"Incorrect arity of tuples in Enumeration of {}.  Please check use of ',' and ';'.")

        lookup = {}
        if hasattr(decl, 'instances') and decl.instances and self.default:
            lookup = { ",".join(str(a) for a in applied.sub_exprs): self.default
                    for applied in decl.instances.values()}
        if type(enumeration) == FunctionEnum:
            lookup.update( (','.join(str(a) for a in t.args[:-1]), t.args[-1])
                        for t in enumeration.sorted_tuples)
            lookup.update( (t.code, TRUE)
                            for t in enumeration.sorted_tuples)
        enumeration.lookup = lookup

        # update problem.assignments with data from enumeration
        for t in enumeration.tuples:

            # check that the values are in the range
            if type(self.enumeration) == FunctionEnum:
                args, value = t.args[:-1], t.args[-1]
                condition = decl.has_in_range(value,
                            problem.interpretations, problem.extensions)
                self.check(not condition.same_as(FALSE),
                           f"{value} is not in the range of {}")
                if not condition.same_as(TRUE):
                args, value = t.args, TRUE

            # check that the arguments are in the domain
            a = (str(args) if 1<len(args) else
                    str(args[0]) if len(args)==1 else
            self.check(len(args) == decl.arity,
                       f"Incorrect arity of {a} for {}")
            condition = decl.has_in_domain(args,
                            problem.interpretations, problem.extensions)
            self.check(not condition.same_as(FALSE),
                       f"{a} is not in the domain of {}")
            if not condition.same_as(TRUE):

            # check duplicates
            expr = AppliedSymbol.make(self.symbol_decl.symbol_expr, args, type_check=False)
            self.check(expr.code not in problem.assignments
                or problem.assignments[expr.code].status == S.UNKNOWN,
                f"Duplicate entry in structure for '{}': {str(expr)}")

            # add to problem.assignments
            e = problem.assignments.assert__(expr, value, status)
            if (status == S.DEFAULT  # for proper display in IC
                and type(self.enumeration) == FunctionEnum):
                problem.assignments.assert__(e.formula(), TRUE, status)

        if self.default is not None:
            if decl.instances is not None:
                # fill the default value in problem.assignments
                for code, expr in decl.instances.items():
                    if (code not in problem.assignments
                        or problem.assignments[code].status != status):
                        e = problem.assignments.assert__(expr, self.default, status)
                        if (status == S.DEFAULT  # for proper display in IC
                            and type(self.enumeration) == FunctionEnum
                            and self.default.type != BOOL_SETNAME):
                            problem.assignments.assert__(e.formula(), TRUE, status)

            if self.sign == '≜' and decl.arity == 0 and len( == 1:
                # partial constant => ensure its domain is {()}
                _, filter =[0].extension(problem.extensions)
                constraint = filter([])
        elif self.sign == '≜':
            # add condition that the interpretation is total
            # over the domain specified by the type signature
            # ! x in domain(f): enum.contains(x)
            q_vars = { f"${}!{str(i)}$":
                       VARIABLE(f"${}!{str(i)}$", sort)
                       for i, sort in enumerate(}
            quantees = [Quantee.make(v, sort=v.type) for v in q_vars.values()]

            # is the domain of `self` enumerable ?
            constraint1 = FORALL(quantees, FALSE)
            get_supersets(constraint1, problem)
            if constraint1.sub_exprs[0] == FALSE:  # no filter added
                # the domain is enumerable => do the check immediately
                domain = set(str(flatten(d)) for d in product(*constraint1.supersets))
                if type(self.enumeration) == FunctionEnum:
                    enumeration = set(str(d.args[:-1]) for d in self.enumeration.tuples)
                    enumeration = set(str(d.args) for d in self.enumeration.tuples)
                if domain != enumeration:
                    errors = domain - enumeration
                    errors.update(enumeration - domain)
                    self.check(False, f"Enumeration of {} should cover its domain ({errors})")
            else:  # add a constraint to the problem, to be solved by Z3
                # test case: tests/1240 FO{Core, Sugar, Int, PF)/LivingBeing.idp
                expr = self.enumeration.contains(list(q_vars.values()), theory=problem)
                constraint = FORALL(quantees, expr).interpret(problem, {})
                constraint.annotations['reading'] = f"Enumeration of {} should cover its domain"
SymbolInterpretation.interpret = interpret

# class Enumeration  ###########################################################

def interpret(self: Enumeration, problem: Theory) -> Enumeration:
    return self
Enumeration.interpret = interpret

# class ConstructedFrom  ###########################################################

def interpret(self: ConstructedFrom, problem: Theory) -> ConstructedFrom:
    self.tuples = OrderedSet()
    for c in self.constructors:
        if c.range is None:
            self.tuples = None
            return self
        self.tuples.extend(TupleIDP(args=[e]) for e in c.range)
    return self
ConstructedFrom.interpret = interpret

# class Constructor  ###########################################################

def interpret(self: Constructor, problem: Theory) -> Constructor:
    # assert all(s.decl and isinstance(s.decl.codomain, SetName) for s in, 'Internal error'
    if not
        self.range = [UnappliedSymbol.construct(self)]
    elif any(s == self.codomain for s in # recursive data type
        self.range = None
        # assert all(isinstance(s.decl, SymbolDeclaration) for s in, "Internal error"
        extensions = [s.decl.codomain.extension(problem.extensions)
                      for s in self.args]
        if any(e[0] is None for e in extensions):
            self.range = None
            self.check(all(e[1] is None for e in extensions),  # no filter in the extension
                       f"Set signature of constructor {} must have a given interpretation")
            self.range = [AppliedSymbol.construct(self, es)
                          for es in product(*[[ee[0] for ee in e[0]] for e in extensions])]
    return self
Constructor.interpret = interpret

# class Expression  ###########################################################

[docs]def interpret(self: Expression, problem: Optional[Theory], subs: dict[str, Expression] ) -> Expression: """expand quantifiers and replace symbols interpreted in the structure by their interpretation Args: self: the expression to be interpreted problem: the theory to be applied subs: a dictionary mapping variable names to their value Returns: Expression: the interpreted expression """ if self.is_type_constraint_for: return self _prepare_interpret(self, problem, subs) return self._interpret(problem, subs)
Expression.interpret = interpret def _prepare_interpret(self: Expression, problem: Optional[Theory], subs: dict[str, Expression] ): """Prepare the interpretation by transforming quantifications and aggregates """ for e in self.sub_exprs: _prepare_interpret(e, problem, subs) if isinstance(self, AQuantification) or isinstance(self, AAggregate): get_supersets(self, problem) def clone_when_necessary(func): def inner_function(self, problem, subs): if self.is_value(): return self if subs: self = copy(self) # shallow copy ! self.annotations = copy(self.annotations) out = func(self, problem, subs) return out return inner_function @clone_when_necessary def _interpret(self: Expression, problem: Optional[Theory], subs: dict[str, Expression] ) -> Expression: """ uses information in the problem and its vocabulary to: - expand quantifiers in the expression - simplify the expression using known assignments and enumerations - instantiate definitions This method creates a copy when necessary. Args: problem (Theory): the Theory to apply subs: a dictionary holding the value of the free variables of self Returns: Expression: the resulting expression """ out = self.update_exprs(e._interpret(problem, subs) for e in self.sub_exprs) _finalize(out, subs) return out Expression._interpret = _interpret def _finalize(self: Expression, subs: dict[str, Expression]): """update self.variables and reading""" if subs: self.code = str(self) self.annotations['reading'] = self.code return self # class SetName ###########################################################
[docs]def extension(self, extensions: dict[str, Extension]) -> Extension: """returns the extension of a SetName, given some interpretations. Normally, the extension is already in `extensions` by SymbolDeclaration.interpret. However, for Concept[T->T], an additional filtering is applied. Args: interpretations (dict[str, SymbolInterpretation]): the known interpretations of types and symbols Returns: Extension: a superset of the extension of self, and a function that, given arguments, returns an Expression that says whether the arguments are in the extension of self """ if self.code not in extensions: self.check( == CONCEPT, "internal error") assert (self.codomain and extensions is not None and extensions[CONCEPT] is not None), "internal error" # Concept[T->T] ext = extensions[CONCEPT][0] assert isinstance(ext, List) , "Internal error" out = [v for v in ext if isinstance(v[0], UnappliedSymbol) # for type checking and isinstance(v[0].decl.concept_decl, SymbolDeclaration) and v[0].decl.concept_decl.arity == len(self.concept_domains) # real test and v[0].decl.concept_decl.codomain == self.codomain and len(v[0] == len(self.concept_domains) and all(s == q for s, q in zip(v[0], self.concept_domains))] extensions[self.code] = (out, None) return extensions[self.code]
SetName.extension = extension # Class AQuantification ######################################################
[docs]def get_supersets(self: AQuantification | AAggregate, problem: Optional[Theory]): """determine the extent of the variables, if possible, and add a filter to the quantified expression if needed. This is used to ground quantification over unary predicates. Example: type T := {1,2,3} p : T -> Bool // p is a subset of T !x in p: q(x) The formula is equivalent to `!x in T: p(x) => q(x).` -> The superset of `p` is `{1,2,3}`, the filter is `p(x)`. The grounding is `(p(1)=>q(1)) & (p(2)=>q(2)) & (p(3)=>q(3))` If p is enumerated (`p:={1,2}`) in a structure, however, the superset is now {1,2} and there is no need for a filter. The grounding is `q(1) & q(2)` Result: `self.supersets` is updated to contain the supersets `self.sub_exprs` are updated with the appropriate filters """ self.new_quantees, self.vars1, self.supersets = [], [], [] for q in self.quantees: domain = q.sub_exprs[0] if problem: if isinstance(domain, SetName): # quantification over type / Concepts (superset, filter) = domain.extension(problem.extensions) elif type(domain) == SymbolExpr: if domain.decl: self.check(domain.decl.codomain.type == BOOL_SETNAME, f"{domain} is not a type or predicate") assert in problem.extensions, "internal error" (superset, filter) = problem.extensions[] else: return # can't get supersets of $(..) else: self.check(False, f"Can't resolve the domain of {str(q.vars)}") else: (superset, filter) = None, None assert hasattr(domain, "decl"), "Internal error" arity = domain.decl.arity for vars in q.vars: self.check(len(vars) == arity, f"Incorrect arity for {domain}") if problem and filter: self.sub_exprs = [_add_filter(self.q, f, filter, vars, problem) for f in self.sub_exprs] self.vars1.extend(flatten(q.vars)) if superset is None: self.new_quantees.append(q) self.supersets.extend([q] for q in q.vars) # replace the variable by itself else: self.supersets.extend([superset]*len(q.vars))
def _add_filter(q: str, expr: Expression, filter: Callable, args: List[Variable], theory: Theory) -> Expression: """add `filter(args)` to `expr` quantified by `q` Example: `_add_filter('∀', TRUE, filter, [1], theory)` returns `filter([1]) => TRUE` Args: q: the type of quantification expr: the quantified expression filter: a function that returns an Expression for some arguments args:the arguments to be applied to filter Returns: Expression: `expr` extended with appropriate filter """ applied = filter(args) if q == '∀': out = IMPLIES([applied, expr]) elif q == '∃': out = AND([applied, expr]) else: # aggregate if isinstance(expr, AIfExpr): # cardinality # if a then b else 0 -> if (applied & a) then b else 0 arg1 = AND([applied, expr.sub_exprs[0]]) out = IF(arg1, expr.sub_exprs[1], expr.sub_exprs[2]) else: # sum out = IF(applied, expr, Number(number="0")) return out @clone_when_necessary def _interpret(self: AQuantification | AAggregate, problem: Optional[Theory], subs: dict[str, Expression] ) -> Expression: """apply information in the problem and its vocabulary Args: problem (Theory): the problem to be applied Returns: Expression: the expanded quantifier expression """ # This method is called by AAggregate._interpret ! if not self.quantees and not subs: # already expanded if self.interpretation: return self.interpretation return Expression._interpret(self, problem, subs) if not self.supersets: # interpret quantees for q in self.quantees: # for !x in $(output_domain(s,1)) q.sub_exprs = [e._interpret(problem, subs) for e in q.sub_exprs] get_supersets(self, problem) assert self.new_quantees is not None and self.vars1 is not None, "Internal error" self.quantees = self.new_quantees # expand the formula by the cross-product of the supersets, and substitute per `subs` forms, subs1 = [], copy(subs) for f in self.sub_exprs: for vals in product(*self.supersets): vals1 = flatten(vals) subs1.update((var.code, val) for var, val in zip(self.vars1, vals1)) new_f2 = f._interpret(problem, subs1) forms.append(new_f2) out = self.update_exprs(f for f in forms) # Cache the interpretation in case the quantification is interpreted again self.interpretation = out return out AQuantification._interpret = _interpret # Class AAggregate ###################################################### @clone_when_necessary def _interpret(self: AAggregate, problem: Optional[Theory], subs: dict[str, Expression] ) -> Expression: assert self.annotated, f"Internal error in interpret" return AQuantification._interpret(self, problem, subs) AAggregate._interpret = _interpret # Class AppliedSymbol ############################################## @clone_when_necessary def _interpret(self: AppliedSymbol, problem: Optional[Theory], subs: dict[str, Expression] ) -> Expression: # interpret the symbol expression, if any if type(self.symbol) == SymbolExpr and not # $(x)() self.symbol = self.symbol._interpret(problem, subs) if # found $(x) self.check(len(self.sub_exprs) == self.symbol.decl.arity, f"Incorrect arity for {self.code}") kwargs = ({'is_enumerated': self.is_enumerated} if self.is_enumerated else {'in_enumeration': self.in_enumeration} if self.in_enumeration else {}) out = AppliedSymbol.make(self.symbol, self.sub_exprs, **kwargs) out.original = self self = out # interpret the arguments sub_exprs = [e._interpret(problem, subs) for e in self.sub_exprs] out = self.update_exprs(e for e in sub_exprs) _finalize(out, subs) if out.is_value(): return out # interpret the AppliedSymbol value, co_constraint = None, None if out.decl and problem: if out.is_enumerated: assert out.decl.codomain != BOOL_SETNAME, \ f"Can't use 'is enumerated' with predicate {}." if in problem.interpretations: interpretation = problem.interpretations[] if interpretation.default is not None: out.as_disjunction = TRUE else: out.as_disjunction = interpretation.enumeration.contains( sub_exprs, theory=problem) if out.as_disjunction.same_as(TRUE) or out.as_disjunction.same_as(FALSE): value = out.as_disjunction out.as_disjunction.annotations = out.annotations elif out.in_enumeration: # re-create original AppliedSymbol core = deepcopy(AppliedSymbol.make(out.symbol, sub_exprs)) out.as_disjunction = out.in_enumeration.contains([core], theory=problem) if out.as_disjunction.same_as(TRUE) or out.as_disjunction.same_as(FALSE): value = out.as_disjunction out.as_disjunction.annotations = out.annotations elif in problem.interpretations: interpretation = problem.interpretations[] if != DEFAULT: f = interpretation.interpret_application value = f(0, out, sub_exprs) if not out.in_head: # instantiate definition (for relevance) inst = [defin.instantiate_definition(out.decl, sub_exprs, problem) for defin in problem.definitions] inst = [x for x in inst if x] if inst: co_constraint = AND(inst) elif self.co_constraint: co_constraint = self.co_constraint.interpret(problem, subs) out = (value if value else out._change(sub_exprs=sub_exprs, co_constraint=co_constraint)) return out AppliedSymbol._interpret = _interpret # Class Variable ####################################################### def _interpret(self: Variable, problem: Optional[Theory], subs: dict[str, Expression] ) -> Expression: if self.type: self.type = self.type._interpret(problem, subs) out = subs.get(self.code, self) return out Variable._interpret = _interpret Done = True